I need to know who owns the property, is that possible?


Yes. By subscribing to our Business or Pro plans you can have property data appended to your result lists. Contact us to learn more.

Property data return fields include: PrimaryOwner1, PrimaryOwner2, SecondaryOwner1, SecondaryOwner2, Address, City, State, Zip, CarrierRoute, MAK, BaseMAK, LastDeedOwner1, LastDeedOwner2, MortgageAmount, MortgageDate, MortgageLoanTypeCode, MortgageTermCode, MortgageTerm, MortgageDueDate, LenderCode, LenderName, SecondMortgageAmount, SecondMortgageLoanTypeCode, YearBuilt, AreaBuilding, Area1stFloor, Area2ndFloor, AreaLotSF, ParkingGarage, ParkingGarageArea, ParkingCarport, ParkingCarportArea, DrivewayArea, DrivewayMaterial
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Article ID: 8

Category: Knowledgebase

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.0/5.0 (2)

Plotterly LLC
15 Main Street, Unit 12A
Franklin, MA 02038
+1 (863) 331-6406

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